Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Imperial'
Thornless Honeylocust
Tips for Homeowners:
Seed pods may appear and when they fall may require cleanup. Prune when dormant if necessary.
Rate this Plant:

Still large and rounded this variety is more compact and formal looking due to its dense branching.
- Spreading branches develop at right angles to trunk
- Essentially fruitless
- Produces dense shade
Interesting Notes about Thornless Honeylocust:
The thornless Honeylocust is a fast-growing shade tree with small, fine-textured foliage creating light shade where grass is easily grown beneth the canopy of leaves. The leaves are one of the first to defoliate in the fall and are generally not a nuisance for cleanup. The tree does create surface roots which can be an issue when growing close to driveways or sidewalks. Honeylocust is named for the sap in the fruit which are long twisting yellow to dark brown seed pods and the quantity varies with cultivar. This tree is experiencing a general decline due to the insect and disease issues and because it is overplanted is in rapid decline in the state of Kansas.

Characteristics & Attributes
- Specimen
- Fall Color
- Drought Tolerant
- Great Foliage
- Fast Growing
Foliage Color:
- Green
- Yellow
- Full Sun
Critter Resistance:
- Deer Resistant
- Upright
Season of Interest (Foliage):
- Fall
Soil Moisture:
- Average Water